5 Spiritual Pitfalls That Could Leave You Stranded

Can I get a spiritual floatie…please?

And how-tos on surviving a spiritual journey.

If you’re like us, then one of the most spiritually honest convos you’ve ever had was two summers ago at a house party. Something had to change.

One of the main issues you might face when embarking on a spiritual journey is most new-age topics and metaphysical concepts aren’t rooted in science. That’s not to say there isn’t much research backing up a millennium of spiritual practices (to the contrary—there is a ton of scientific evidence), but it’s not often discussed in the same sentence.

So, below are 5 things that prove you can have a spiritual life to avoid the pitfalls altogether.

#1 Smudging

While finding the time to reorganize your closet or shoe collection is still in debate for this weekend, one thing that might make it on the list is smudging.

We found it hard to believe that smudging could be so effective until we read this study. 🤯

The Science behind it:

  • Smudging is an ancient practice

  • You can burn a sage stick or incense

  • It kills up to 94% of harmful bacteria

  • It can leave your space purified for up to 30-days

It’s simple: light the end of your smudge stick or incense with a match, blow out the flame and move the smoke around your space. Watch this short 3-minute video for more juicy details on how to do this at home.

#2 Crystals heal

Squee. We love our crystals too. They’re all over our office, living spaces, and even near our kitchen sink.

However, there’s some serious science to back up their mystical powers. For instance, the indirect and positive physiological effect crystals have on our health and well-being is well documented.

The Science behind it:

  • Crystals are formed deep within the Earth’s magma during immense heat

  • For example—the quartz molecular structure is silicon dioxide

  • Crystals have energy (some more than others)

  • Some crystals are as old as the Earth

Suppose you have a ton of crystals lying around and don’t know what to do with them, read about how to rearrange them into sacred geometry. And then watch this 3-minute video for all the juicy details on crystals.

#3 The Global Consciousness Project

Beyond our Milky Way, the billions of visible stars, moons, and planets, understanding what’s driving all this consciousness is, shall we say, difficult.

So we turned to science to give us tangible evidence we could sink our teeth into. We found that consciousness has a relationship between our mind and matter.

The Science behind it:

  • In the ’90s, The Global Consciousness Project was born

  • It’s a bunch of Random Number Generators (RNGs) that spit out random binary code (a series of 1’s and 0’s)

  • When a pandemic, earthquake, women+ march, or anything global happens, the computers produce organized code

  • It’s speculated there’s a conscious relationship between us and the universe

If you want to know what COVID did to these computers, you can read more here.

#4 entanglement

What is oneness? Is it being nonjudgmental, learning to love, and going with the flow? Well, we at OMNI think it’s living a blissfully connected life.

As far as we know, oneness is everywhere, whether we’re able to feel it or practice it every day. So, to help us see togetherness in a new light, we’ve used entanglement as an analogy for connection.

The Science behind it:

  • Albert Einstein called it non-locality (the Theory of Entanglement)

  • He coined it as “spooky action at a distance”

  • Entanglement is a forever bond (even if millions of light-years separate the particles)

  • Entangled particles show the mirror of the applied measurement—if we tickled one particle, the other would laugh.

  • The theory might connect us all in a strange quantum dance

So, now you’ve got the science to prove it!

#5 stoping a system

For some, spirituality doesn’t sink in until they have a huge awakening (maybe a life crisis). For others, it’s the feeling of sunshine on their face.

Whatever spirituality means to you, it’s all about letting go. Relaxing, doing yoga, playing music, going out, finding bliss, rinsing, and then repeating.

The Science behind it:

  • In the ’70s, a team of physicists formalized the Quantum Zeno Effect

  • It states if we observe a system for too long or too much time, then we could stop it

  • We can keep systems in a limbo state if we obsessively watch it

Take it from us—if you wanted this effect to be an analogy for life, you can let things go for a spiritually magical life. (Watch more for all the juicy details on the Zeno Effect).

To sum it all up

A spiritual journey is a path, not a destination. So have fun and relax. We’ll all get there one day.


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