Interview with Marian A. Willingham

Can Crystals Heal Your Chakras? | Heart Opener

About Interview

Recently, we had a stirring interview with the esteemed author, therapist, and healer Marian Willingham.

We discussed the possibility of miraculous healing, the potential for re-training our energy centers or chakras to a pre-trauma state, and the role of crystals in healing.

  • Is miraculous healing possible?

  • Can we re-train our energy centers (chakras) to return to a pre-trama state?

  • Can crystals really help us heal?

Our conversation took us through Willingham's incredibly inspirational journey battling cancer, leading her to be an advocate for gratitude and loving wholeheartedly.

Watch the full interview to learn which chakras need more attention and love.

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Journey to the Shape of You