9 Ways to Do Miraculous Self Healing

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Anyone who’s ever had a significant challenge in life and immediately decided they would overcome it knows the power of belief. 

An unfavorable change in health can influence how we think, the emotions we gravitate toward, even our relationships. Which got us thinking: What’s the difference between betting the odds or not? 

Let’s start with what some might consider a giant curveball: A life-threatening disease.

There are well-documented cases of miraculous healing. That’s not to say that every significant life event, like inoperable cancer, can be overcome or approached with a positive attitude. But Kelly Turner, Ph.D., a researcher, and best-selling author, thinks there are ways to give us a leg up when it comes to combating illness.

What does the research say?


Turner started her research journey understanding how some people can overcome stage four cancer. She had heard of “miraculous” remissions from people who either bypassed conventional medicine or added some specific techniques to medications they were receiving. 

Since 2007, Turner has conducted research in ten different countries, analyzed over 1,500 cases of radical remission, and completed over 250 in-depth interviews. 

The results are astonishing. 

Turner found there are nine things that everyone did to get well. 



Here are 9 ways to do miraculous healing: 

  1. A radical change in diet

  2. Taking control of your health

  3. Following your intuition

  4. Using herbs and supplements

  5. Releasing suppressed emotions

  6. Increasing positive emotions

  7. Embracing social support

  8. Deepening your spiritual connection

  9. Having a strong reason for living


Why are these findings remarkable? 

If these are the secret ingredients to healing, why aren’t all of us doing them daily? Well, Turner points out only two are physical (which makes them fairly simple to complete). They are: 

  • Using herbs and supplements

  • Radically changing our diet

The other seven are emotional, spiritual, purpose-driven and take a massive consciousness shift to achieve.

So, Turner explains that this kind of overhaul is difficult and takes a lot of work. For example, one session with a counselor or a multi-vitamin won't cut it. So, instead, Turner gives node to a "total life transformation." That could include completely changing your relationship with others and yourself, your job, where you live, and maybe enjoying more cosmic consciousness

Turner goes on to explain, “Emotional blockages can lead to physical blockages,” which in her opinion can lead to disease. She recommends that we see ourselves as “self-healers” and proposes that “whatever will help [us] let go of the anger, grief or trauma, then [we should] do it.[1]”

All this to say, we have the power to heal ourselves from anything. Yet, with every great piece of research, we can rely on our gut to tell us if it will work or not.

Not all life-changing situations can or will be healed. However, sometimes lessons come to help us find grace in the hardships.

The main point of Turner’s research is to show that these techniques deserve further investigation, so everyone can find their unique path to healing.

So, after today, you may try all nine things or just a few. Whatever you choose, you’re well on your way to cosmic self-love and a galactic connection to healing just the same.

  1. Gaia. (n.d.). Heal. Gaia. Retrieved February 10, 2022, from https://www.gaia.com/video/heal.

  2. You can watch Turner’s exclusive interview in the documentary Heal on Gaia (spiritual streaming—only ~$12 a month). 


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