3 Ways To Discover Your Cosmic Roots By Doing Cosmic Meditation

There’s a reason why ancestry tests are so popular. Discovering your heritage can give you a sense of belonging, help you connect with long-lost family members, and even describe your possible genetic future.

The same goes for your cosmic roots. When you connect to your space orientation or cultivate a deeper relationship with the universe, you can belong to something infinite and cosmic meditation can help you do that.

What’s Meditation?

Meditation is a way to clear your mind of clutter. Putting yourself into a higher state of awareness while staying calm can result in physical, mental, and spiritual clarity. (You can try light meditation as an alternative).

Meditation invites the practitioner to step outside their reality into a much quieter state of mind. Once in that space, the integration between mind, body, and spirit (or source) becomes more accessible.

How Is Cosmic Meditation Different From Regular Meditation?

Cosmic meditation connects you to your astral self. Yes, you have an Earth experience. Yet the real you is a packet of massive energy, stardust, and many more cosmic processes, working in perfect harmony to create animation. And all that “space stuff” did not originate only from Earth—and neither did you.

What Does Cosmic Meditation Do?

Think of an echo.

It’s a sound that moves away from an epicenter and then reflects back (like a boomerang).

Throughout our busy days and sometimes difficult Earth lives, we get very far away from our source or source in general. Then we can become an echo of ourselves, like a ghost. It can make sinking into the present moment (or meditating) difficult.

For example—our sun is about 93 million miles away. So we see a sun that happened about 8 minutes ago or the sunlight’s “echo.” We are similar and can return to our cosmic selves with cosmic meditation.

So Here Are Three Ways To Do Cosmic Meditation & Enjoy Every Second.

#1 Sounds of The Universe

Many practitioners of meditation incorporate sound, like singing bowls. It helps the mind focus on a single note and, therefore, not wander. In cosmic meditation, a sound is a powerful tool because frequency equates to cosmic energy.

In quantum physics, particles can behave like waves—it’s the dual nature of reality. Sometimes those waves produce sound; the faster the vibrations, the higher the frequency, and the universe is teaming with oscillations.

For instance, two colliding black holes make a small “chirp” at a specific frequency. We usually don’t hear that sound because of the vacuum of space. Though if we could, the universe might sound like a pod of whales.

To align with your cosmic self, we recommend using sound during meditation.

The “C” frequency at 174 to 528 Hz is excellent for cosmic meditation (a recorded sound or a tuning fork can work). The C note is the frequency of the Earth and universal creation. Though if your striking your tuning fork against a crystal, it is thought to increase the potency of sound and cosmic connection so that you can use 4096 Hz as well.

#2 Let The Light In

Meditation is often done within a dark space. Yet light is essential to receiving the full benefits of cosmic meditation.

Light is at the heart of our solar system. As far as we know today, “light” has created a complexity beyond what we have discovered outside our galaxy. So as we venture deeper into cosmic meditation, light or creating a space that helps you embody more “light” can connect you with the universe.

It took us some time to get used to the fluttering of natural light during morning meditations, but it’s well worth it.

At omni, some of our team members have chosen their favorite window (creating a cosmic sanctuary) that lets in as much light as possible. The sunlight represents the cosmic connection to unparalleled animation and life.

#3 Be Your Own Cosmic Guide

Is there a place in the night sky that calls to you? A star constellation that grabs your attention? Or a galaxy you heard about that piqued your interest?

If you feel that you have an affinity with cosmic energy, you’re not alone. Many people have a deep connection with space.

For many, their cosmic roots far surpass what they physically experience here. We live in a universe that’s 13.8 billion years old. And it’s expanding, which means we’re part of that dynamic story.

During cosmic meditation, you can choose a star, galaxy, or planet that resonates with you. Getting a star app helps you see our galaxy in a new light and pinpoint where you feel like “home.” But don’t stop at the edges of the Milky Way—continue your research.

For instance, our Marketing Manager loves to meditate on Jupiter for more abundance, while our IT guru enjoys meditating on the galaxy Meisser 82, where they believe they come from. Or if you feel like a nomadic starseed, like our Editor in Chief, who thinks they lived near the Orion star constellation, but their star ancestors are from the Pleiadian star group, that’s cool too.

Cosmic Meditation Final Thoughts

We hope these three ways of cosmic mediation have inspired you to connect with your cosmic roots. Start small, like a minute or two of meditation, then incorporate sound, light, and your connection to your star family.

Above all, relax and try not to get frustrated. Meditation takes time to master. Just the simple fact that you’re engaging with the omni blog means you’re one step closer to discovering your cosmic roots.


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