Creating a Cosmic Statuary in Any Corner
Every place you belong is a cosmic statuary
We’ve heard of statuaries being peaceful, but when our marketing director said she had a “cosmic shrine,” we had to know more.
It’s not that hard to create (even if it’s out of this world). All you need is a dedicated space with a small platform, likely, a side table. Then you can add some crystals, rocks, shells, trinkets, smudge sticks, or dried flowers on top of it.
But re-imagining the universe at home can be trickier, but well worth it! Inviting the cosmos into your space can make it feel more energized, grounded, and give you a dedicated spot to ponder the universe.
So here are 3 ways to create a killer cosmic statuary from scratch
#1 - Invite the Cosmos In
If you want to infuse your space with cosmic energy, you could consider aligning your crystals with the phases of the moon or even planetary shifts.
Our marketing director placed her vintage shop-found crystals on her shine and then switches them out each month. This month she’s focusing on peace and groundedness, so she’s put amethyst in her statuary. Plus, she'll add quartz crystal for the full moon on August 22nd (known as the Fruit Moon) for more clarity.
#2 - Pick a quiet spot
Space can be limited when plotting out where to put your cosmic statuary. But you don’t need a lot of space—only a quiet one. Your statuary will become a sacred space and is a lot like a personal phone call to the universe, so it makes sense if it's secluded.
Our marketing director has tucked her statuary in her dining room corner (which doubles as a workstation sometimes). She loves seeing her shrine as she works because it puts her in a peaceful state of mind and helps her focus—no matter what’s going on around her.
#3 Give it some Love
Just like watering your plants, your sanctuary needs TLC too. The way you can show your shrine some love is simple: give it positive attention. It could be as simple as smiling at it or adding some more crystals.
Our marketing director believes every good sanctuary is like a well-kept garden that needs periodic attention to flourish. So, she likes to meditate on all things cosmic at her shrine. Just last night, she meditated on a star nursery (Orion’s nebula) to see if she could help more baby stars get born into the universe. Now that’s cosmic—OMNI style!
We’re obsessed with creating space for our cosmic spirituality to flourish. So, take a few minutes to create a sanctuary that can help you connect with the universe, today.