Do You Have Cosmophilia?

If you're anything like us, you might question a new word—is it friend or foe? That's why after reading the book, The Living Universe by Duane Elgin, we hit the brakes when we stumbled on a fresh way of viewing our relationship with space. 

What's Cosmophilia?

In the book, Elgin defines that cosmophilia as "the love of a living universe." A deep obsession and passion for something bigger than ourselves and our constant "awe" of the universe’s wholeness.

How Did Elgin Come Up With The Word Cosmophilia?

The word biophilia inspired ElginIt first came onto the scene in the early 19th century and was coined by Erich Fromm to describe our connection with nature. So, taking the word cosmos, which the Greek philosopher Pythagoras used to describe the universe as a living representation of order, Elgin made up the word cosmophilia to express our profound love of space. 

What Do You Think?

Through much research, Elgin proposes the universe is "alive" with consciousness, connection, expansion, and the stuff we call dark matter and energy. It represents a living system of order and beauty, and it's hard not to fall in love with space exploration. At omni, we, without a doubt, have cosmophilia. So, do you? 


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