July’s Super Buck Moon Is Unforgettable


We’re already halfway through a very cosmic month and still have another five astrological phenomena! First, with our orbit back in step with the sun (Aphelion ended July 4th), we now get a super buck moon

If you’re lucky enough to step outside as the full moon is rising on Wednesday, July 13th, you’ll witness a glowy diamond-like moon. The full buck moon is the second super moon of 2022, and everyone, including astronomers, are excited to see this full shimmy moon. 


How did it get its name?

Although this super moon can be bold and unmistakable, like a buck, it did not get famous for its appearance. During the mid point of summer, bucks’ antlers go from velvety soft to harden glorious points strong enough to defend their territory to find a mate. Historically, when people saw bucks raise their majestic heads to the full moon, the name and image stuck, so the full buck moon in Framer’s Alamac is still recognized today.

What can you do?

  1. Go moon bathing (just like sunbathing but way more cosmic)

  2. Full moons are times for extra reflection

You can try:

  • Illuminating situations or feelings that need your attention

  • Honoring your moon cycles every month (that might run parallel to this super moon)

  • Appreciating your divine feminine power (everybody has it…)

  • Journaling and reflecting on the month

At omni, we’ll celebrate this super buck moon with a zest for life; in other words, we had a party under the moon and stars. Though if you want to see this spectacular moon with no expectations, that sounds like a perfect cosmic night too!


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