What Makes Up 99% of The Universe?

We love surprises, especially about the cosmos. So, when we stumbled on a strange and mysterious substance that makes up most of our universe, we had to know more.

Hello, I'm Plasma...

We want to introduce you to plasma slowly. You might have seen it in your chemistry class as a plasma globe or known how it creates the irresistible glow of neon lights. But did you know that plasma makes up almost the entire universe?

So we wanted to quickly and briefly drop some knowledge about plasma's bizarre features and benefits.

What Is Plasma? 

It’s like a soup of ionized gas atoms and electrons.

Plasma is a state or phase of matter in a league of its own (some define it as the "fourth state of matter"). While other forms of gas cannot hold an electrical charge (think about when you boil pasta. If you sent a small “zap” through the water vapor, it'd pass right through), plasma can. 

That's because plasma atoms have their electrons ripped off, forming a conductive and ionized gas. Also, it has overall electric and electromagnetic properties (similar to photons), creating independent atoms that act as a collective system based on the location and motion, which in most cases, means it will be in thermal equilibrium. 

For example: imagine plasma is like a train. Inside the train are ionized gas atoms and electrons as passengers. The train is in motion and in the exact location for all the atoms to enjoy the ride together. That’s plasma.

What can it do?

Plasma is an incredibly unique and strange phase of matter for many reasons, but we'll share two: first, research shows it’s conscious, and second, it can heal. Let’s explain. 

Plasma Interacts With Consciousness

A photon knows it’s being measured (as in the double-slit experiment). But plasma takes it one step further. Not only does plasma “know” the results of an applied test, but it also interacts with our consciousness. Researchers speculate this could be backward causation—that plasma has data from the future—meaning it can send messages faster than the speed of light. Yet that hypothesis is still not thoroughly tested.

Yet, for example, Max Tegmark of MIT thinks that consciousness is a state of matter. And since plasma is a superconductive state of matter, it could relay awareness in a new and scientific way. 

We speculate plasma could “conduct” or “intercept” awareness because it acts collectively—therefore harnessing a higher state of awareness than merely individual ionized gas atoms and electrons can accomplish on their own. Though, not to fear, more studies are uncovering the connection between consciousness and plasma.

Plasma can heal

Another thing plasma can do is heal. When a “plasma wand” is placed over a wound it has been shown to shorten healing times

It's done through a process called cold plasma in which the atoms are slowed down to very low temperatures, making it reasonably safe to touch. Then anyone can apply the wand to sterilize surfaces or wounds without hurting anything else.  

Where Can You Find Plasma? 

So, it’s everywhere in the universe but scarce here on Earth. It’s what makes stars glow, forms nebulas, creates auroras over the north and south poles, lights up lightning, and forms the tails of comets. (See more examples of plasma here).

Why Are We So Obsessed? 

Plasma is a well-documented state of matter, and modern applications prove that it links us to the universe through properties of consciousness. So, next time you look up at the stars, know that plasma is shining down on you, and one day, you could be interacting with plasma's awareness more than you think.


Adamski, Adam. (2011). Bioplasma Concept of Consciousness. NeuroQuantology. 9. 681-691. 10.14704/nq.2011.9.4.382.


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