You're Stardust and a Rainbow...Literally

It’s true—you’re stardust.

The building block of life on earth is carbon and it originally came from stars. So, your connection to the cosmos runs through your veins, literally. The calcium in your bones is from supernovas and the iron in your blood can be found in comets.

But what kind of Starchild are you?

Here’s a mini list of the top stary connections:


Hello, my 70’s flower-child! Peace, love, and rock n’ roll is mixed in with your morning coffee.

If you’re an Indigo, either by birthright or by choice, you are all about the third eye, which is the spot between your eyes. It’s the connection between inner knowing and the cosmos. You seem to know most things before they happen and form close bonds with your star pod (the people you love). Meditation is tough only because you’re always on the go.

Here’s a little bit about you:

  • You’re brilliant

  • You know what you want

  • You’re super into justice

  • You’re “one” with your life path

  • Your intuition is always spot on

  • You’ve been called edgy a time or two

  • You stand out

  • You can heal anyone

  • You’re the OG (original) empath

  • You love animals

Your purpose is to break down stereotypes and heal the world! So get on it!


Hey, you, 90’s child! If you were born in or around the ’90s then welcome to your crystal life path. You can be crystal by choice, too, if you were born in some other era. You’re all about expanding your heart and mind, which means you have a powerful connection to the universe.

Here’s a little bit about you:

  • You’re a bit physic

  • You’re telepathic and can talk without words

  • You believe in aliens

  • You get the #feels all the time

  • You’re real

  • You’re an empath

  • You never doubt yourself

  • You have an open heart

  • You attract wholehearted people

  • You’re naturally dope at healing

  • You’re not into material things

  • You love the cosmos

Your purpose is to raise Consciousness, send out love, and heal the Earth. So use your higher frequency that you were born with and get on with it!


What’s up, 2000’s peeps! Your rainbow quality includes all the colors and some powerful frequencies. You’ve always been cool with everyone and a natural healer. You love all shapes and sizes and cultivating balance where ever you go.

Here’s a little bit about you:

  • You might be totally physic

  • Naps are awesome

  • You could have high anxiety at times

  • You’re an empath

  • You change your look all the time

  • You love fashion

  • Crying is a form of releasing toxic energy

  • “Master ascension” is something you did last Tuesday

  • You love rainbows

  • You wish everyone would chill out and get along with one another!

Your purpose is to raise consciousness because you embody the highest divine and cosmic order. Your pinky finger could rule the world, so get on with it and be less stressed!

Now, let’s talk about your star constellations:


Hey, my fun-loving being! So, Pleiadians are hilarious. Period.

If you’re a Pleiadian, then you love making people laugh. If someone is having a bad day, you’re the first person they call. You’re positive, upbeat, and need to be around light-hearted people. People with bad vibes could bring you down.

BUT be careful. You could attract energy suckers, people who want to use your magnificent rays for bad. So, think about a relationship before diving in. You’re a lightworker and need to keep your heart open.


Can I get a Heya from all my Sirian Starchildren! If you are a Sirian Starseed, then you’re a cosmic agent. You throw down the truth and have a golden touch - money, wealth, and everything is within your reach if you’d only relax. You love the water because you used to be a mermaid, mermen, or dolphin, maybe? So, Atlantis might have been your past home.

Just make sure you’re staying open, being kind (not everyone is going to want to be the center of attention like you), and taking it one day at a time.


Throw up your swords if you're a warrior! If you’re an Orion, you came from a star constellation near the Orion belt. You tend to be harsh without much concern for other people's feelings. But this has helped you gain recognition in corporate settings.

Since you’re a quick learner, you can curb your ego energy and learn from others moving through life downstream. Not everything is a competition, and sometimes love can heal. You’re sensitive under that tough exterior and will find your way to a more peaceful life, I promise.


Hey, gorgeous Andromedan! If you’re Andromedan then you have a super close connection to angels and the universe, which might stop by for coffee on Sundays. Some texts proclaim that our ideas of angels and Archangels could actually be Andromedans. You’re a highly attuned being who has a big Earth mission.

You know you’re an Andromedan when you love:

  • Travel

  • Changing your hair color

  • A lot of people

  • Freedom

  • Being bold

  • Justice

You are the rarest of all the Starchilds, and you’re here to fight injustice, help people be themselves, and continue your quest as a mindful warrior. You are here on Earth with a sacred purpose. So, stay on task, and you will succeed!

To Wrap Up…

So, you came from the stars, and you might also be a special type of Starchild. So, stay calm. You are on an enlightened path as a lightworker.

So, which Starchild are you? Or are you a combo of two or a few?


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