Sacred Geometry: For People Who Love Crystals More Than Cake

If you’re anything like us, then seeing the word “geometry,” might make you viscerally say, “no.” But hear us out. Sacred geometry is found in trees, leaves, architecture, and even inside your cells.

So, why not take some aspects of this ancient mathematical practice and put them to good use? Like, instead of decorating your space with a new rug this weekend, try some geometry to bring the universe into your living room.

That’s why we wanted to share the 3 ways we’ve re-arranged our crystals to improve our space’s positive vibes.

#1 Make Triangles

It sounds so easy because it is! Making triangles with your crystals helps with clarity and messages. The triangle is a “cosmic womb,” which is an abundant source of everything-ness.

In sacred geometry, the “right triangle” or “golden triangle” is used everywhere. In the middle of a triangle, is the “King’s Chamber” and was used a lot in the building of the Great Pyramids.

You can use the same technique. For instance, you can place three crystals (they can be of different sizes, shapes, and colors, or you can use stones) around your bed in a triangular formation. Then use your powerful words to activate your work:

  • My intention for this space is to be in true alignment with the universe, of the highest light and good for myself and all.

After, you can sleep or daydream knowing your connection to the universe is sacred!

#2 Make Spirals

Have you ever looked inside a conch shell? Or any spiraled shell? That amazing corkscrew shape is part of sacred geometry and is packed full of source energy.

Spirals represent infinity and produce more energy as they grow. It’s a repetition of the “golden triangle” like a chambered nautilus shell. Each new swirl follows physical laws, which are present in the universe.

So, if you want your positive vibes, money, and wealth to grow, consider placing your crystals in a spiral shape. Start at a “point” and then move out in a spiral, ensuring the outside circles are the biggest.

Your spiral does not have to be perfect. You can even place a stone at each compass point and make a few spirals. Your intention is really what makes the magic happen:

  • My intention for this space is to be in true alignment with the universe, of the highest light and good for myself and all.

So, now that you're done with geometry for the day have fun making spirals.

#3 Make a Circle

If you’re feeling like your connection with the cosmos and source has been a little wanky lately, consider making a circle.

Throughout history, circles have been symbols of oneness and infinity. It is the representation of the indivisibility of the universe. For example, a ring can be a symbol of forever.

The circle is like a sphere, except it’s a two-dimensional shadow (two halves of a whole). Placing your stones or crystals in a circle will create a “forever” bond between you and what you’re seeking. It could be a better life, deeper connections, or more love.

For instance, you can place your crystals in a circle around your desk, table, or pop-up eatery stand. It could ensure all your meals infinitely burst with light and love.

Again you can seal it with your intention:

  • My intention for this space is to be in true alignment with the universe, of the highest light, and good for myself and all.

Once your circle is complete, you can feel forever connected with the universe.

Whatever kind of crystals you have, or pretty rocks or shells you find at the beach, can be used in sacred geometry. Taking the time to set up your crystals with a temple-like placement can help you bring universal energy into your space. You might become so inspired you’ll put crystals on your windowsill so that they can soak up the sun and moonlight, not unlike a charging station...


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