
Can You Explore Space Without a Telescope?
How often do you think about the stars? It might be a lot more than you think…what’s your zodiac sign ♉️♈️♋️⚛️🔮?

Space-Out With Cosmic Consciousness
Now when someone says you’re spacey, spaced-out, or a space-case, you can say thank you.

Why Being an Air-Head is a Good Thing
If someone calls you an air-head, you can thank them, since it’s the only thing scientifically keeping you alive.

A Telescope That Could See The First Christmas Star
Success! #NASAWebb’s launches a million miles (1.5 million km) from Earth #UnfoldTheUniverse

Why Does Our Solar System Look So Funny?
Why does our solar system look like a deflated croissant? What shape do you think it looks like?

It’ll Be a Spooky NO Full Moon 🌙 Halloween 🎃
Is Halloween going to be the same without a full moon? The answer might surprise you…

What's With All The Frenzy Surrounding The Novel Webb Telescope?
Why is Webb the biggest and best telescope? And will it tell us if we can live elsewhere in the universe?

What's a Time Crystal? And Why Does Everyone Think It's for a Time Machine?
We want to travel back in time as much as you, but the novel “time crystal” is so much stranger than science fiction.

Creating a Cosmic Statuary in Any Corner
Here are 3 ways to create a killer cosmic statuary from scratch.

Um...Can You Guess What That Is?
Is that a fish or a toad? Maybe…both? Learn how bizarre the deepest parts of our oceans are.

5 Cosmic Quotes That'll Pick You Up
Need a pick-me-up? Read through these 5 beautiful quotes about the universe.

18 Words that Relate to the Universe
Have you ever been stumped by the number of words that mean “cosmos”? Fear not! We have a list!

5 Spiritual Pitfalls That Could Leave You Stranded
General tips for having fun with your spirituality, plus some of the best facts about our universe.

4 Things About the Cosmos That’ll Impress a First Date
Your 1st date will love these cosmic facts. If not, you can abort these cosmic one-liners and ask about their favorite flavor of ice cream instead.

Why is it Called a Strawberry Moon?
Why is called a strawberry moon and is moon bathing a real thing?

The Craziest Mercury Retrograde Of 2021 Is Here - 3 Things to Know
The craziest Mercury Retrograde Of 2021 is happening now — be prepared with these 3 go-to’s.

COVID Stopped Your Social Life AND Computers
COVID-19 not only messed with your social life but also worldwide computers.

3 Signs Your Spiritual Practice Needs a Reset
You had a fight and now wondering if you’re on the verge of a spiritual awakening or in need of a reset.

3 Best Cosmic Reads: For Those Late Nights
If you’re a night owl, then these cosmic reads will help you not only sleep but also become smarter.

Sacred Geometry: For People Who Love Crystals More Than Cake
Sacred geometry can help you make more ch-ching and find love! Here are the three ways we’ve re-arranged our crystals to improve positive vibes.